Jan 31, 2015


I like having my music library having random quips from Eddie Izzard thrown in.  It's like my iPod is interrupting itself because it remembered a funny story.

Jan 30, 2015


What is up with hipsters in Volkswagens riding up my ass in a marked county vehicle?

Jan 28, 2015


The hierarchy of insults is not a straight line.  It is a great tree with many branches.

Jan 23, 2015


You have the right of way, keep moving.  God, you're so considerate, I hate you.

Jan 21, 2015


Man, I know I said I don't miss people, but that was then.

Jan 20, 2015


I really need to write these down as soon as I think of them.  I lose so many just by forgetting them.

Jan 14, 2015


This is the coolest thing but it's also the absolute worst.

Jan 13, 2015


Say you had a gallon of gasoline.  Would you get more heat from using it to fuel a generator that powers an electric heater or by just burning the gas itself?

Jan 12, 2015


It's becoming more and more apparent that most people who try to design "cool" "new" "guns" for Call-of-Duty-esque games haven't the faintest idea how firearms work.

Jan 11, 2015


Do you ever get hot enough that you start getting cold flashes?

Jan 10, 2015


They did it.  They brought Bionicle back, and it doesn't even look terrible.  Actually well done, Lego.

Jan 9, 2015

Jan 7, 2015


There is a huge difference between being "sexually explicit" and "containing a scene that barely qualifies as a sex scene."  Namely, whatever movie you think you saw and Iron Man 3.

Jan 6, 2015


I'm sorry, I'm not sure we're talking about the same movie here.

Jan 5, 2015


Science has proven that snow is definitively better than leaves.

Jan 4, 2015


Eating a boat
Is harder than you think na na na na na.

Jan 3, 2015


I feel kinda bad about it.  If you're reading this, Mike from Chick-fil-a, I apologize, I shouldn't have lied like that.

Jan 2, 2015


Why did I order lunch in an english accent? I didn't even realize I was doing it until it was too late to stop.