Sep 30, 2015


Who the heck is Waspkeleton and where did they come from?

Sep 29, 2015


Its not so much a convention as it is a toy store with a cover charge.

Sep 28, 2015

Sep 27, 2015


Magnets sound like dubstep when they do the magnetting. Confirmed.

Sep 26, 2015


I hate experiencing horror in movies and games and whatnot because even after it's been turned off, I tend to internalize whatever made it so frightening and I carry that with me.  I don't mean spooky horror where something jumps out and yells boo.  I actually handle that pretty well.  What gets me are the more psychological takes on it that really get into your head.  If I am driving by myself at night, it is almost certain that at some point I will see the shadow of something along the side of the road and I will convince myself that it is something bad and end up seriously freaking myself out.  Even to this day, I refuse to approach or even look out of certain windows in my house when it's dark out.  I don't even remember what specifically put this fear into me but I've had it as long as I can recall.

Sep 25, 2015

Sep 24, 2015


I think I've gotten to the point where I can understand owning two iPads for just myself.

Sep 22, 2015


I'm pretty sure at least a quarter of the standard British lexicon consists of nonsense words that they pass off as euphemisms and innuendos.

Sep 21, 2015


There's no such thing as a pull force except for gravity and vacuums.

Sep 19, 2015


If you almost hit me with your car, I'm going to do the John Cena hand face thing at you.

Sep 17, 2015


I don't think I've ever been so disappointed to hear that everything is probably fine.

Sep 16, 2015


Why are years only ever expressed as either 2 or 4 digits and never 3?

Sep 15, 2015


Nothing you see will ever be as scary as what you thought you saw.

Sep 13, 2015

Sep 12, 2015


I haven't punched in a while.  My knuckles are getting hairy.

Sep 11, 2015


Ukraine is really interested in the most random things.  First it's 3D printers and now Genesis (the band).

Sep 5, 2015


Everyone get hyped for G.I.Joe: Rise of the Dawn of the Planet of the Tomb Raider 2: Reloaded Electric Boogaloo and Furious 7: The Backdown: A Wes Anderson Film.

Sep 3, 2015


People often mistake timsical thoughts as having to come directly from Tim, however, they only need to evoke Tim in their nature.  Anyone is capable of thinking timsically.

Sep 1, 2015


If you work hard and put your mind to it, there's no limit to what you can quit.