Feb 28, 2014


Sometimes I start laughing at a funny idea I had and then I realize it wasn't that funny so I laugh at how disproportionate the initial laugh was, and this goes on for anywhere between 5 and 30 minutes.

Feb 27, 2014


If you don't know what a Ground Effect Vehicle (Ekranoplan) is, look it up and ask why aren't they being used?

Feb 26, 2014


What is it about explosive materials that makes them explode?

Feb 25, 2014


If you went back in time with a standard array of modern technology, how easily could you convince the Vikings or whatever that you are a god?

Feb 24, 2014


From the beginning of the ancient Egyptian empire to the end was longer than from the end until now.  What.

Feb 23, 2014


Is the fruit orange named after the color or is the color named after the fruit?

Feb 22, 2014


Does anyone actually like the buttered popcorn flavored Jelly Bellies?

Feb 21, 2014


Are hyenas technically dogs or are they their own brand of horrible?

Feb 20, 2014


If everyone in the world jumped into the ocean at the same time, would it cause massive coastal flooding on a global scale?

Feb 19, 2014


Knives are sharp.  You should not play with sharp knives.

Feb 18, 2014


Whenever a bird flies into a window and leaves a print of itself on the glass, it makes me think birds are possibly the dustiest animals ever.

Feb 17, 2014


No matter how much it's cleaned or filtered, drinking water is old dinosaur piss.

Feb 16, 2014


Have you ever thought that everyone sees color differently?  Like, what you call red, in your vision, I might call blue, but because I can't see exactly what you see, we agree on what red or blue is.

Feb 15, 2014


I can't wait for cybernetic augmentation to become mainstream.

Feb 14, 2014


If you died every time you fell asleep but still woke up with the same reliability as sleep, would you feel more rested after being dead for the night?

Feb 13, 2014


Could someone make a successful gym which is free to use where all the workout equipment is connected to generators and make money selling energy?

Feb 12, 2014

Feb 11, 2014


You never actually touch anything, you're just being repelled at an atomic level.

Feb 10, 2014


It's really trippy to think that the universe is infinitely fractal so that Milky Way galaxy would be an atom in a much larger context, and that subatomic particles are tiny star systems and so on and so forth.

Feb 9, 2014


What if in modern western society, people were expected to get a pilot's license the same way we're expected to get a driver's license?

Feb 8, 2014


I think if I ever got mugged, my reaction would be to scream "Hello" at my attacker because I'd think they didn't know I was there.

Feb 7, 2014


Imagine a tiny speck, smaller than basically everything.  Now take an innumerable amount of these specks and shoot them through space so fast that whatever it collides with becomes superheated and glows intensely, and once these specks stop moving, everything that got pushed out of the way slams back together making a deafening boom.  That's lightning.

Feb 5, 2014


It's weird how sheep's wool seems to grow out to a certain length and then it just stops until they get shorn, but even if they don't it stays that length.

Feb 4, 2014


If everyone in the world faced east and sneezed at the same time, would it create a cyclone around the planet?