Jul 30, 2014


Did you ever sneeze so hard it made the insides of your ribs itch?

Jul 28, 2014


There's something almost meditative about Forge Mode in the Halo games.

Jul 27, 2014


The red ones burn, the blue ones freeze, the yellow ones electrocute, and the green ones poison, typically.

Jul 26, 2014


Things that fold up are better than things that don't.

Jul 25, 2014

Jul 24, 2014


Apparently people like hearing about expensive Nerf.  Like, a lot.

Jul 22, 2014


I'm serious about the commenting, you can say basically anything.

Jul 19, 2014


Nerf, your primary audience is children.  They can't afford blasters that are upwards of $70, especially not when you have 3 such blasters lined up for release.

Jul 18, 2014


Elderflower pressé and elderflower cider are things you should look into.

Jul 15, 2014


I will accept that it is the future when we have either floating cars or 3D holographic displays on regular computers and phones.

Jul 12, 2014


The beloved TV series Viral Video Film School is not dead after all.  It isn't on TV anymore but it lives on in Brett Erlich's Youtube channel.  Seriously, go check it out right now.  This show needs a come-back.

Jul 11, 2014

Jul 10, 2014


It might not be Nerf proper, but the Guardians of the Galaxy Starlord Quad-blaster is super fun to play with.

Jul 8, 2014


This might be the longest my beard has ever been, and it's still not all that impressive.

Jul 6, 2014


This whole time, I just had the wrong contrast settings on my computer screen.

Jul 4, 2014


When Captain America throws his mighty shield,
All those who chose to oppose his shield must yield.
If he's drawn to a fight and a duel is due,
Then the red, and the white, and the blue come through
When Captain America throws his mighty shieeeeeeld.

Jul 3, 2014


My friend Ethan takes more bullets than I anticipated, something he is quite proud of.

Jul 2, 2014


On a big enough scale, there is no up, there's only out.

Jul 1, 2014


To all my Swedish viewers, how the heck do you get a throaty "hwuh" sound from the letters STJ?
Case in point: "stjärnor"