Nov 30, 2015


Sure is a shame no one went shopping this weekend, what with the huge success of Amazon Prime Day back in summer.

Nov 29, 2015

Nov 28, 2015


Ok, yes, this kid has some sort of speech impediment or learning disability, but he is spouting some super misogynistic nonsense right now.

Nov 26, 2015


It's thanksgiving, I could have left today without a thought, but whatever, here you go.

Nov 23, 2015


I don't understand it either but for some reason I think its goddamn hilarious.

Nov 20, 2015


I never realized how many lines from Avenue Q songs can be used as legitimate notes while watching Star Trek.

Nov 19, 2015

Nov 18, 2015


Photoshop at least still works, ProCreate, on the other hand, has actually just given up completely.

Nov 16, 2015


Dammit blogger, just do the thing right instead of not right at all.

Nov 14, 2015


I mean, obviously any igneous rock is cold lava, but is obsidian still technically liquid lava?

Nov 13, 2015


If glass is just a super slow liquid, does that mean that obsidian is just really cold lava?

Nov 11, 2015


Ah, 4 years ago today, no one went to see Immortals.  Good choice, everyone.

Nov 10, 2015


I had forgotten how horrible and grotesque the Rugrats look compared to most modern cartoons.

Nov 7, 2015


I'm not sure why I'm getting so much traffic from what looks like a Russian social/dating android app...

Nov 6, 2015

Nov 5, 2015


Euclidian geometry in video game level design is so last gen.

Nov 4, 2015


I didn't even realize Halo 5 came out.  I knew they made a Mega Bloks figure of Mickey, though.  Shows where my interest in the franchise has gone.

Nov 3, 2015


I know enough to complain properly but not enough to do anything about it myself.

Nov 2, 2015

Nov 1, 2015


I understand pedestrian right of way, but if you step out in front of me like an idiot, my car is still going to kill you.