Apr 13, 2016


Since my last few hundred-posters were kinda serious, I've decided to take the time to tell you about something completely different.  One time while my cousin was visiting, she wanted to talk about the film Inglourious Basterds, however, the title itself was a bit of an issue as we didn't want to throw the word "bastard" around (regardless of its misspelling) while my little sisters were in earshot.  I began referring to the movie as simply "Inglourious B's."  While it did work as an effective censored shorthand, most simply found the mental image of a bunch of actual bees replacing the cast to be extremely funny.  Naturally, the joke evolved and we were left with a movie by Queenbee Tarantino about a band of bees going to kill Hornitler and his army of Waspzis, toting the catchphrase, "Send in the Bumble Jew."

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